Added meta Description and keywords for SEO

Review Request #42 - Created Nov. 26, 2008 and submitted

Silviu Ganceanu
- Added meta Description and keywords for SEO

Bogdan-Cristian Tătăroiu
Silviu Ganceanu
Review request changed

Change Summary:

- I missed the fact that whatever is in header.php goes on EVERY page :) Meta description should be different for each page and I only wanted to add it for the homepage.


Revision 2 (+13 -2)

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Bogdan-Cristian Tătăroiu
mircea should look at this too :)
trunk/www/views/header.php (Diff revision 2)
I don't think meta tags can be added in <body>, so we can't use macros. I don't know any simple way to do this :)
Mircea Pasoi
This is a hack. It's okay for now but let's open a ticket and do this properly.