Make rankings work slightly better for single rounds.

Review Request #143 - Created March 20, 2010 and submitted

Bogdan-Cristian Tătăroiu
Added a round_id, score, user_id index to ia_score_user_round.
Make MySQL use that index for single round rankings by removing
the GROUP BY and SUM(score).

Moved identity_can from common/ into the macro, where it's supposed
to be.

Savin  Tiberiu

trunk/common/db/score.php (Diff revision 1)
We should check if for it doesn't work better with "score" than "SUM(score)" for more rounds also. We could benchmark the general rankings for algoritmiada.
  1. How would that work? You need to sort after the sum, I don't think we can do it better than MySQL.
Savin  Tiberiu
Ship it fast. Don't forget to restart the eval.