Apache license installing

Review Request #207 - Created April 30, 2012 and updated

Adrian Budau
Linting to install apache license 2.0 and some lint fixes.
Also some files already installed with apache license.

Bogdan-Cristian Tătăroiu
I realize it's easier to put an Apache license since the linter already supports it. Not sure if GPL isn't a better option.
  1. I've been reading up. GPL applies only when somebody wants to distribute a program - they are not required to publish changes they make privately. 'a public web portal running a modified derivative of a GPL'ed content management system is not required to distribute its changes to the underlying software because its output is not a derivative.'
    The GNU Affero GPL, which was created for this exact reason, seems like exactly what we need: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affero_General_Public_License
trunk/.arcconfig (Diff revision 1)
I think it's Asociatia Infoarena. It needs to be a legal body.